Spiritual Art

Auspicious Dragon
Oil on Canvas- 60″x60″- 2024- $2,500
Dragon symbology is represented in countless traditions. This painting represents strength and flow of transformation with a fierce, yet compassionate heart. This image came before I was to be Lay Entrusted in the Zen tradition. The mountain name presented to me was Shoryu or “Auspicious Dragon”.

Freedive Into Suchness
Oil on Canvas-12″ x 48″- 2024-$750
Freediving and meditation have many similarities. They are disciplines requiring precision and practice. There are points in each practice where the mind and body drop away and the practitioner is able to experience deep stillness and bliss.

Oil on Canvas- 50″x30″-2023-$500
Okesa is a life sized representation of a Zen priest’s robe. Historically the robes would be sewn together with scraps of fabric. The pattern is representative of a rice field which highlights the flow of water to hydrate every tier of the field and represents the interconnectedness of all things.

Manjushri Bodhisattva
Oil on Panel-24″x24″- 2024- $450
Manjushri bodhisattva represents the embodiment of prajna (transcendent wisdom) across Buddhist traditions. He is often pictured holding a sword in his right hand which is used two cut through all delusion. In the other hand he holds the Prajnaparamita text which represents Truth.

Oil on Panel-24″x24″- 2024- $450
Avolokitesvara is a bodhisattva known by many names across traditions an represents the embodiment of compassion. This painting illustrates Avolokitesvara transmuting pain. They are the “Regarder of the Cries of the World”.

Step Off a 100 Foot Pole
Oil on Canvas-12″x36″- 2024- $400 SOLD
Step From 100 Foot Pole is and ancient Buddhist teaching that is often delivered in the form of a koan. This teaching can be interpreted as leaving perceived levels of spiritual growth and ascension and bringing that awareness into our day to day lives.

Wide Open
Oil on Canvas-60″x90″- 2022 – SOLD
This painting represents the journey of the heart opening process.

Reality of Time
Oil on Canvas-36″x36″- 2022 – SOLD
This painting is a reflection of the interactive flow of time and space. We are all interconnected and dancing in the energy flow of existence.

Connect the Dots : Reflections on Unity and Separation
Oil on Canvas-52″x36″- 2022 – $950
This mini series bubbled up while contemplating the unification of all beings. By naming something in a concrete way, “This is a donkey.” We are creating separation, removing it from its interconnected environment. The numbers surrounding the donkey are a nod to the “Connect the Dots” activities I enjoyed as a child. I left the numbers without the line drawn to leave the donkey floating in unity with all things.

Connect the Dots Cock-a-Doodle : Reflections on Unity and Separation
Oil on Canvas-52″x36″- 2022 – SOLD
This mini series bubbled up while contemplating the unification of all beings. By naming something in a concrete way, “This is a rooster.” We are creating separation, removing it from its interconnected environment. The numbers surrounding the rooster are a nod to the “Connect the Dots” activities I enjoyed as a child. I left the numbers without the line to leave the rooster floating in unity with all things. The rooster itself is a nod to a Zen saying often spoken by my teacher, “When it’s time to get up in the morning , just get up. Meet the day and all it brings wholeheartedly.”

Enso Whale
Oil on Canvas- x – 2022 – $475
Both whales and Enso are symbolic of great wisdom. This painting highlights the interconnectedness of all beings, and how the wales are here to teach us about this.

Pelican Birds Fly Like Birds
Oil on Canvas- 24″x36″- 2022 – $475 SOLD
Birds Fly Like Birds was inspired from watching a pelican fly against a very strong wind. She seemed to stay in place making the tiniest micro adjustments to remain stable in the current of the wind. Continually observing the water below to see where her next meal might come from.

Entering the Dragon Gate
Oil on Antique Humidor 18″x12″x29″- 2024 – $650 SOLD

Oil on wood cabinet 2023 $500